Today in the Markets:

The markets opened flat and headed up on 4.6 billion NASDAQ shares.

ES with Levels:

ES with Market Directional:



ES Opening Range Play:

Triggered short at A and long at B, but both were too far out of range to take:c

Additional Futures Calls:


Results: +0 ticks



Triggered short at A (under VAL), hit the first target at LBreak. Closed the second half above entry. Triggered long at 1.0743, hit the first target at UPT, closed second half under the entry.

Results: +40 pips


A great day!

These are the Tradesight calls that triggered:

META PT-play triggered (with market support) above 136.95 and worked big.

SHOP PT play triggered long (with market support) and worked.

That’s 2 triggers with market support, both of them worked.