Today in the Markets:

The markets gapped up, did not fill the gap, and then went higher and flattened out in the afternoon on 7.8 billion NASDAQ shares as we head into options expiration.

ES with Levels:

ES with Market Directional:

NQ with Levels:

RTY with Levels:

CL with Levels:

GC with Levels:


One call triggered.

ES Opening Range Play, triggered long at A and worked, triggered short at B, but was too far out of range to take:

Additional Futures Calls:


Results: +4 ticks


Four calls triggered.

These are the Tradesight calls that triggered, ABNB triggered short (without market support) and did not work:

Rich’s AMAT triggered long (with market support) and worked:

Rich’s GOOGL triggered long (with market support) and did worked:

Rich’s RDDT triggered short (without market support) and worked:

That’s 2 triggered with market support, both of them worked.