Today in the Markets:

Finally, some movement out of the range that we have been stuck in for two weeks on 4.5 billion NASDAQ shares.

ES with Levels:

ES with Market Directional:


No valid triggers.

ES Opening Range Play, triggered long at A but too far out of range to take. Triggered short at B but too far out of range to take:

Additional Futures Calls:


Results: +0 ticks

We came into the session short the second half of the prior day’s trade and that stopped in the money. No new calls.

GBPUSD, stopped the second half of the prior day’s trade:

Results: +45 pips


Another nice trade, and 4 green days to start 2023.

These are the Tradesight calls that triggered, Rich’s CAT triggered long (with market support) and worked nicely:

That’s 1 trigger with market support, and it worked.