We recently posted the net results of our trade calls for September. At this point, we have officially posted monthly results for 12 months. Our forex service launched in 2004, and we have all of our trades archived, which are still available to subscribers, but they were not broken down monthly for net results.
You can now review every day of trading for the last year by clicking on this link and scrolling down as you go. These blog summaries don’t include our full forex reports for each day, but they recap our official trade calls that we gave for the session.
In addition, you can view the twelve separate one month summaries by clicking here and scrolling down as you go.
Today, I’ve put together net results of the service, and I wanted to make some comments about what it means for our methodology. Let’s start with a couple of different looks at the data.
For the year, we had 427 calls THAT triggered. That means we likely had about 700 official calls in total. Our win ratio on those 427 calls was 52.46%. That means we lost on 203 out of 427 calls. Our goal is a 50-60% win ratio, so we fell into that range, even if it was on the low side of the range.
We had only one month of negative results, and that was January 2010. Our win ratio there was only 34.29% and we lost 40 pips net.
The other 11 months were positive, and our win ratios in those months ranged from 42.5% through 70.0%.
The total net gain in pips accounting for stops, partials, and final exits was approximately 3446 pips. That’s a pretty solid number for a year.
Our system doesn’t rely on you magically catching one or two trades that accounted for most of those pips. In fact, there probably were no winners over 150 pips net (partial and final) in the year. But, it shows the importance of a net strategy of maintaining tight stops and letting the winners ride. Even though we only won 52.46% of our trades, the gains speak for themselves. And yes, you can have losing months. We had one. We also had three months where the net gains were barely over 100 pips, including August, which is typically the slowest month of the year. None of this analysis accounts for adjusting size to account for slow periods, holidays, or news. These are just the raw numbers.
When we get through October, November, and December, we will post net numbers for 2011, but it isn’t likely that the average overall will vary much. I think it demonstrates clearly that the Tradesight Forex system works and does not require a lot of time. This is not our active trading service that we teach separately where you need to monitor the market. This is our “set and forget” strategy where you get the calls in the evening, put them in, and check at key times of day to make adjustments. It requires about 30 minutes of your day, and I think it’s worth the time.